Moving The RV From Pine-Covered Peaks To Desert Gems

Your Road Trip from Prescott to Quartzsite Embark on a journey from the charming, historic town of Prescott, nestled in the mountains of north-central Arizona, to the fascinating desert landscape of Quartzsite. This road trip, just over 130 miles, transitions from verdant forests to the stark, beautiful expanse of the Arizona desert, offering a unique … Read more

Title: ” Traveling From Amarillo To Prescott Arizona

Unexpected Delays and Unmissable Detours As we bid farewell to the familiar sights of Amarillo, Texas, our spirits were high with anticipation for the new beginnings awaiting us in Prescott, Arizona. The road stretched before us like an invitation to adventure, our vehicle packed, and our playlists curated for the long drive ahead. Little did … Read more

Branson To Amarillo

An Unplanned Adventure Through the Heartland Hey there, fellow adventurers! Today, I want to share a tale from the road—a journey filled with unexpected twists, breathtaking views, and the kind of memories that stick with you long after the wheels stop rolling. Our trip took us from the lively entertainment hub of Branson, Missouri, south … Read more

Finding The Perfect Match

Finding the Right Bumper Pull Trailer for Your SUV Hey there, adventure enthusiasts and road trip aficionados! Are you dreaming of hitting the open road with all the comforts of home tagging along behind your trusty SUV? Whether it’s a weekend getaway, or a mobile base for your outdoor passions, choosing the right bumper pull … Read more

My Epic RV Journey To California

New Hampshire to Branson Missouri Hello, fellow explorers and adventure enthusiasts! Today I’m thrilled to share with you an incredible journey that beckons the spirit of adventure in all of us: a scenic RV trip from the charming landscapes of New Hampshire to the vibrant musical heart of Branson Missouri. First Leg of the Trip … Read more

Embrace The Freedom

The Alluring World of Work Camping Have you ever dreamt of waking up to the serene views of a mountain range, the gentle sounds of a flowing river, or the peaceful ambiance of a lush forest? Imagine combining the joy of travel and the beauty of nature with the practicality of earning an income. This … Read more

Our Next RV Project

Okay Time Go Big Knowing that I have the RV bug, I think it’s time to move two steps up the ladder and go for a bigger rig. After all, if we are going to live in our RV for three or four months at a time, without killing each other, then we are going … Read more

Finding The Right Rig

Embarking on an adventure with an RV is a fantastic way to explore the country, combining the freedom of the road with the comforts of home. However, choosing the right vehicle to tow your RV is crucial for a safe and enjoyable journey. Let’s dive into the essentials of selecting the perfect towing vehicle for … Read more

In The Beginning

Embracing the RV Lifestyle: From Pop-Up Beginnings to Gooseneck Adventures Hey there, fellow adventurers! It’s Dick here, sharing a piece of my journey into the vast and rewarding world of RV living. Like many of you, I wasn’t quite sure what to make of RVing at first. My wife Diana likes to go tent camping … Read more

About Me

Hey folks! I’m Dick, and welcome to my slice of the online world where I share the ins and outs of living the RV dream. But before we dive into the nomadic lifestyle, let me take you on a quick trip down memory lane. Born and raised on a sprawling five-hundred-acre vegetable farm in New … Read more